Student Population: Costa Verde International School enrolls preschool and elementary aged students in small class sizes. Costa Verde students represent global diversity which bonds the inhabitants of our ethnically shared community. The children of Sayulita come from all over Mexico, United States, Canada, France, Germany, England, Argentina, Chile, and many other countries of the world. CVIS enrolls students from preschool (3 years old) through 9th grade (secundaria 3).
Scholarships: The scholarship program is designed to provide increased access for local children who are in need of financial assistance, thereby creating a more diverse studentpopulation. Mexico requires that at least 6% of students at independent schools be on scholarship. With recent funding we have been able to achieve an impressive scholarship rate of over 40% for Costa Verde students! Families must apply for scholarships with an interview of both the parents and the student.
Teachers and administration follow up with the student’s academic and social commitment to the school as well as the family´s financial commitment. Students who receive a scholarship are expected to uphold the values of the school as well as a passing academic grade. All parents of Costa Verde are also asked to give a minimum number of volunteer hours back to the school. It is with great pride that the majority of the families at Costa Verde contribute something to their child´s education and through this program we have the continued commitment of wonderful parents and students. Without the support of generous donations we could not realize this important mission of the Costa Verde International School.